Tactical and operational purchasing processes

Your daily business is our core competence

Tactical Purchasing: We optimize your conditions for daily requirements through our purchasing experts, using all the necessary purchasing levers, thereby relieving your purchasing department and providing you with new room for strategic activities.

Operational Purchasing: We generate orders for your requirements and make sure they reach the appropriate supplier.

All in compliance with individually defined SLA`s for e.g. reaction time, processing time etc.

Free-text queries / -orders: Your current requirement is not included in any of your catalogs? We take care of the inquiry, processing of pricing and supplier information as well as to the final processing of the purchase order.

One-vendor-models: One-time requirements and small orders claim valuable time within your purchasing organization. Let HPI become your supplier for small orders and one-time requirements and you will relieve your purchasing organization, your accounting and reduce your administrative costs.

Excerpt from our service portfolio:

Your added value and benefits:


Relief for the purchasing department


Best conditions for your daily demand


Reduction of administrative costs


Individually defined SLA`s


Optimization of your procurement processes