Best Prices and Conditions

You will not achieve our results on your own!

There is a simple formula for cost optimization: The larger the bundled volume, the lower the price. Because most goods and services are subject to economies of scale. Through HPI procurement power, through intelligent bundling of requirements, maximum quantities are generated, thus achieving significant savings for you.

The result is your individually usable framework agreement which we design in a flexible manner. The first step on the way to positive return on investment (ROI) is a sustainable reduction of external procurement costs, which we achieve through intelligent framework contracts, bundling, professional category management and methodical sourcing (Verhandlungsführung und Ausschreibungsverfahren) (negotiation management and tendering procedures), taking into account the the strategic purchasing levers.

Your added value and benefits:


Bundling advantage


Market power


Top prices


Top conditions


Membership in HPI’s buying alliance